>21 million children
Our research reveals over 21 million children around the world would benefit from quality palliative care
8 million children
At least 8 million children out of the 21.1 million need more specialised services
95% of children globally
Who need palliative care, have limited to zero access to such care
15,300+ people
ICPCN has provided both face-to-face and online training to 15,300+ health care providers in 191 countries
Welcome to the International Children’s Palliative Care Network
Our mission is to achieve the best quality of life and care for children and young people with life-threatening or life-limiting conditions, their families and carers worldwide.
ICPCN is the global umbrella organisation for children’s palliative care. We are a network of individuals and organisations globally working to improve access to palliative care for the 21 million children worldwide who need it. We aim to achieve our mission by raising awareness of children’s palliative care, advocating for the global development of children’s palliative care, expanding the evidence-base and sharing expertise, skills and knowledge.
To sum it up ICPCN CARES…..
Latest News

Congratulations to Professor Lorna Fraser: Winner of a Prestigious Research Award from the National Institute of Health Research, UK
Read moreLatest Events
Stories of hope, strength and inspiration
Families all have a unique story to tell made up of their own specific circumstances and responses. Palliative care provision, including the services offered and access to resources, varies from country to country, but children are children wherever they are and the love, the pain, the hope, the moments of joy and the depths of sorrow that families feel when a child is diagnosed with a life-limiting or life-threatening illness is a universal language.
Our wish is that these stories about real children from around the world, and the palliative care services who care for them, will not only put a “human face” to the work that is done through children’s palliative care services worldwide, but may also allay fears and bring comfort and hope to families who may feel they are alone.

Making palliative care training and resources accessible and affordable…
The ICPCN provides a hub of information, including resources, useful links and e-learning programmes, to help those working with children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions.

About CPC
Become a member
Corporate Partnerships
Key Resources
Join us for #HatsOn4CPC on the second Friday in October. We have a range of resources for use in your campaign, including a toolkit, hats and sticker templates and you can register your event here.
Free e-learning programme
We provide arange of e-learning courses on children’s palliative care that are free to accessand available in a range of languages.
Education Framework and Self-Audit tool
The Children’s Palliative Care Education and Training Framework and self-audittool weredeveloped in 2019-20 to standardise children’s palliative care learning. It provides a frameworkto help co-ordinate and quality assure educational programmes.
Children’s Palliative Care Resources
There are a range of resources about children’s palliative care. Links, and where appropriate downloads, can be found here.
Become an ICPCN member
ICPCN membership is open to any individual or organisation working in the field of children’s palliative care, regardless of where you are based or what your profession is, if you are committed to ICPCN’s vision and mission.
Membership is free, and when joining as an organisation you will be featured in ICPCN’s online international directory and map of services. This directory is an invaluable online resource to aid communication and networking globally.
Members receive regular newsletters and are invited to submit your events, news and resources to share with other members and online visitors.

Map of CPC Services
The map of services is built around our international directory and list of organisational members. We aim to provide a map locating children’s palliative care services around the world.
Zoom in on where you live and the nearest services to you will be displayed. Please do contact us if your service is not yet appearing on the map.

Donate to help us continue improving the lives of children around the world.
Donate to help us continue to improve access to palliative care for the world’s children.
Your donation, however small, can make a real difference to children around the world who are suffering from life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. We offer many ways to donate including through PayPal, Global Giving and Direct Debit.