
The second Friday in October, which this year falls on Friday 11th October 2024, is a day for raising international awareness of the need for, and work of, children’s palliative care services worldwide. This year marks 10 years since the World Health Assembly (WHA) resolution on palliative care and we are sharing some of the data from our recent mapping of CPC development which shows the many gaps that still exist 10 years on. What hat will you wear to help close these gaps? The annual campaign is known as “Hats On for Children’s Palliative Care” with the hashtag #HatsOn4CPC.

However you choose to participate as a group or and individual, with an event for families, with colleagues or in your community – don’t forget to register your event, put on your hat, take a picture, share it on social media (#HatsOn4CPC) and send the pictures to us at communications@icpcn.org

Thank you.


Too many families are suffering alone through their child’s illness. You can make a donation today and help provide a lifeline for families who care for children with life-limited and life-threatening conditions, through helping to increase access to palliative care throughout the world.

Join Us

Become an ICPCN member. Membership is open to individuals and organisations committed to children’s palliative care.
Join Us


Why not organise a fundraising event to raise funds for ICPCN? Take a challenge, organise an event, give in celebration of a special occasion, or leave a legacy in your will.

Corporate Partnerships

We are developing our corporate partnerships programme. Your company, wherever it works around the world, can help us increase access to children’s palliative care for the 21.1 million children globally who need it.


Volunteer with ICPCN around the world to support the development of CPC globally

Get Involved

By giving your money, your time or your voice, you can help us change lives around the world.

As a charity we rely on the support of our generous supporters. Find out here how you can support our work to make a difference to the lives of children around the world with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions.


World Hospice and Palliative Care Day

2024 marks 10 years since the World Health Assembly (WHO’s Governing Body) passed the only stand-alone resolution on palliative care, calling for all countries to “strengthen palliative care as a component of comprehensive care throughout the life course.” This is what inspired the theme for 2024.

Ten Years Since the Resolution: How are we doing?

Join us on Saturday 12 October to advocate for better hospice and palliative care services around the world.


As a global network ICPCN works with partners around the world. Some we have official MoUs with, others we are collaborating with on different programmes and projects such as our e-learning programmes and others are funders. It is not possible to list all of our partners here but we have included some.

Become an ICPCN member

ICPCN membership is open to any individual or organisation working in the field of children’s palliative care, regardless of where you are based or what your profession is, if you are committed to ICPCN’s vision and mission.

Membership is free, and when joining as an organisation you will be featured in ICPCN’s online international directory and map of services. This directory is an invaluable online resource to aid communication and networking globally.

Members receive regular newsletters and are invited to submit your events, news and resources to share with other members and online visitors.