The International Children’s Palliative Care Network (ICPCN) is the only global organisation working to improve access to palliative care for the more than 21 million children worldwide who need it. ICPCN is recognised as the world leader in children’s palliative care (CPC) and has a globally renowned expert leadership, a wealth of educational resources and a network of members in over 140 countries.
Through its network, ICPCN are uniquely placed to advise, educate and support at a national, regional and international level on best practice in CPC. As a central repository for information relating to CPC, and with a global perspective of what is happening in the field, ICPCN are in an ideal position to strategically advocate for the development and improvement of services, the creation of palliative care policies, that include children and their families, and the implementation of these policies, thus increasing access to CPC.
ICPCN believes that…
ICPCN believes that…
- CPC is about enabling life to be lived to the full
- All children and young people, and their families, have the right to access good (quality) palliative care
- Palliative care should begin at diagnosis and continue into bereavement
- The child and their family are at the centre of the care that we provide
- Family are the primary caregivers and need to be empowered
- Collaboration is key to the ongoing development of CPC globally, and children and parents have an essential role in this
Vision, Mission and Aims
ICPCN’S Vision
That all children living with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition and their families, will have seamless access to palliative care in order to alleviate serious health-related suffering and enhance their quality of life.
ICPCN’s Mission
Our mission is to achieve the best quality of life and care for children and young people with life-threatening or life-limiting conditions, their families and carers worldwide, by raising awareness of children’s palliative care among the public, health professionals and policy makers; advocating to governments and international organisations for the global development of children’s palliative care services; expanding the evidence-base for children’s palliative care; and sharing expertise, skills and knowledge with our global network of members.
Our Work
Our mission is to achieve the best quality of life and care for children and young people with life-threatening or life-limiting conditions, their families and carers worldwide.
ICPCN is the global umbrella organisation for children’s palliative care. We are a network of individuals and organisations globally working to improve access to palliative care for the 21 million children worldwide who need it. We aim to achieve our mission by raising awareness of children’s palliative care, advocating for the global development of children’s palliative care, expanding the evidence-base and sharing expertise, skills and knowledge.
To sum it up ICPCN CARES…..
The provision of up-to date information is one of ICPCN’s core functions. This is accomplished through a variety of means including this website, ehospice, our social medial platforms, reports and regular membership alerts and monthly newsletters.
ICPCN aims to provide the global voice for children’s palliative care and to advocate for the rights of children to receive the palliative care they require.
ICPCN believes that research and its dissemination is an important component of the development of children’s palliative care globally. Increasing the evidence base is vital to improve care provision, along with service delivery, education and advocacy.
ICPCN recognises the importance of making training of children’s palliative care accessible and affordable to all who need it. Thus, providing both face-to-face and online training to care providers around the world.
Strategic Development
ICPCN supports the strategic development of children’s palliative care services worldwide through equipping, empowering and supporting network members.
ICPCN Timeline
Dedicated children’s palliative care services, although well established in some parts of the world, are still a relatively new development in others. The impetus to establish ICPCN was born from a desire to raise awareness of the unique and specific palliative care needs of babies, children and young people and for these to be seen as distinct from adult palliative care. The organisation’s founders wanted to develop a network that could share good practice and expertise and enable agencies across the world to develop a range of dedicated children’s palliative care services.
ICPCN was therefore established in 2005 in order to raise awareness of the need for children’s palliative care worldwide; to share knowledge, skills and resources; to ensure the voices of children and families were heard; and to advocate for more resources for children’s palliative care globally. The ICPCN is a registered charity and non-profit company in the UK and South Africa.
Become an ICPCN member
ICPCN membership is open to any individual or organisation working in the field of children’s palliative care, regardless of where you are based or what your profession is, if you are committed to ICPCN’s vision and mission.
Membership is free, and when joining as an organisation you will be featured in ICPCN’s online international directory and map of services. This directory is an invaluable online resource to aid communication and networking globally.
Members receive regular newsletters and are invited to submit your events, news and resources to share with other members and online visitors.