ICPCN’s e-learning Programme

The ICPCN e-learning platform has made considerable strides since its inception > 10 years ago with over 7,600 users representing six WHO geographic regions currently enrolled on the site. A range of short courses on various aspects of CPC are available on our e-learning site, with the majority being free of charge. Courses are endorsed by the University of South Wales.

Courses include:

  • Introduction to palliative care in children
  • Pain assessment and management
  • Communicating with children and other emotional issues
  • Child’s development and play in CPC
  • Grief and Bereavement in CPC
  • End of life care in CPC
  • Neonatal Palliative Care: An Introduction
  • Symptoms other than Pain
  • Adopting a CPC approach to the COVID -19 Pandemic
  • CPC in Humanitarian Settings