Children’s Palliative Care Charters
There are a variety of charters that have been developed over the years for children’s palliative care alongside ICPCN’s Charter of rights for life limited and life threatened children. These include the following:
- The European Charter on Palliative Care for Children and Young People (2022)
- The Spanish Paediatric Palliative Care Society Charter (Manifesto de Madrid) (2020)
- The Bambino Gesú Hospital Charter of the Rights of the Incurable Child (2018),
- The European Association for Children in Hospital (EACH) Charter (2016).
- The Maruzza Foundation Trieste Charter of the Rights of the Dying Child (2016),
- The Maruzza Foundation Religions of the World Charter for Children’s Palliative Care (2015),
- The Together for Short Lives Charter (2012),