A Celebration of Nursing Around the World: Sustaining progress against the odds.

ICPCN is working with St Christophers CARE to organise a half-day virtual conference to celebrate the pioneering efforts of nurses from around the world. We are keen to bring together nurses from around the world who want to celebrate their professional achievements and those of others around them, then consider ways of working together to advance nursing and its impact. At the same time we would like to showcase their work to funders and others interested to support their work as a basis for nurturing relationships that are mutually beneficial. The conference is open to all nurses working in palliative care in any setting who are looking to continue to grow personally and professionally. Attendance is free and the conference is being held from 1-4pm. You can book online here.

This conference follows in the footsteps of the Pioneering Nurses day held on the 2nd December 2021.This was planned as the conclusion of two years’ work focused on identifying and supporting pioneering nurses around the world undertaken by St Christopher’s Hospice in London, UK. It also built on similar work led by the ICPCN, WHPCA and IAHPC who were keen also to identify and celebrate nurses’ contributions to palliative care. In recognition of our shared aims, we held this virtual meeting to which we invited any nurse around the world interested to achieve impact for people at the end of life through their professional life. It was attended by 90 nurses from >30 countries and we hope to have many people joining us again this year on the 11th May 2023.