2023 Mapping of Children’s Palliative Care Development

The aim of this mapping exercise was to understand more about the state of Children’s Palliative Care (CPC) development globally. The data collected will help us understand how best to support service development, advocacy, education and research in cpc as well as support access to essential medicines.

With more than 21 million children globally having a condition from which they will die young, and with this number expected to increase, the need for CPC has never been greater. This mapping exercise provides us with an understanding of the key barriers and challenges facing CPC development and the level of its integration into Universal Health Care (UHC). This information is vital to inform and underpin future activity to support better care for these children.

ICPCN carried out a previous mapping survey in 2018 and this provides an opportunity to compare results and assess how CPC has developed during this 5-year period.

This mapping survey was carried out between June – October 2023.


A survey was developed that included questions about 9 indicators of CPC development:

  1. Perceived levels of overall CPC development (score 1-5)
  2. Existence of national associations
  3. Capacity building activity
  4. Availability of different service models for different age groups
  5. Inclusion of CPC in national policies
  6. Sustainable funding streams
  7. Education programmes
  8. Medicine availability
  9. Research capacity

The survey was sent out to a key stakeholder in each country and they were asked to complete it ensuring input from other stakeholders in the country. It is therefore important to remember that this is one person’s perception of what is happening within a country, and different people may have differing views.

The process of mapping is also ongoing as situations are continually changing.

If you click on the map above you can zoom in to different sections of the map  and you can click the button below to access a summary of the data for each country.

Click here to view the mapping data for each country

Are you interested in participating in our next mapping exercise?

We will be undertaking our mapping exercise on a regular basis as we know that mapping the development of children’s palliative care is a dynamic and ongoing process. Please do let us know if you think you would be a good person to complete the survey in your country and that you have a good perspective of what is happening within your country, and know the key people to check with when completing it. We are particularly keen to hear from people from countries where we did not get a response on this occasion.

Thank You