Online Training for Paediatric Palliative Care in Iraq – Resources Page

Presentations for each session

Date Session PowerPoints Recording Resources
25th October 1. Introduction 1. Introduction to the training

2. Why do we need PC?

3. The Current Situation of PC Services in Iraq

4. lntegration of PPC

Click here to view the recording of the session WHO 2018 Integrating palliative care and symptom relief into paediatrics: A WHO guide for health care planners, implementers and managers

WHO 2018. Integrating palliative care and symptom relief into the response to humanitarian emergencies and crises: A WHO guide

29th October 2. Communication in PPC 1. Introduction

2. Communication with families

3. Communicaing with Children

4. Goals of Care Discussion

Click here to view the recording of the session Communication-Reference Guide

Discussing diagnosis of LLC with a child

2nd November 3. Pain assessment and management 1. Introduction

2. Pain Assessment

3. Multimodal Analgesia

4.Procedural Pain

Click here to view the recording of the session 2015 Friedrichsdorf

Downing et al 2015

Lancet Child & Adolescent Health Commission

2016 Friedrichsdorf

pmt-2016 Friedrichsdorf

2019 Friedrichsdorf

PPC Book



Paediatric protocols LMIC


Assessing pain in children with autism

5th November 4. Psychosocial cultural and spiritual care in PPC 1. Introduction

2. Psychosocial and cultural issues in PPC

3. Spirituality in PPC

4. Grief and Bereavement

Click here to view the recording of the session Current Grief Support in Pediatric Palliative Care

Explore the Bereavement Needs of Families of Children With Cancer

Grief and Bereavement in Parents After the Death of a child

Spiritual Care Need The Pediatric Nurses Perspective

Spirituality in pediatric practice

9th November 5. Symptom control and end of life care 1. Introduction

2. General Symptom Management

3. Respiratory and Neurological symptoms

4. EoL Care

Click here to view the recording of the session APPM-Master-Formulary-2020


EOL Checklist

Paediatric protocols LMIC

A Guide to End of Life Care

12th November 6. Specific Groups, teamwork and Self-care 1. Introduction

2. Team collaboration and effectiveness

3. PC for Specific groups

4. Self Care

Click here to view the recording of the session Achieving consensus advice for paediatricians and other health professionals

Burnout in Healthcare Workers

Delivery room cuddles for extremely preterm babies

Perinatal Pathway for Babies

Framework for action on interprofessional education and collaborative practice

Palliative Care Professionals’ Inner Life

Self Care_220504_final_Eng

16th November 7. Ethical and Legal issues, humanitarian settings and developing PPC 1. Introduction

2. Humanitarian Setting

3. Ethical and Legal Issues

Click here to view the recording of the session Neglected Suffering

Integrating palliative care in humanitarian emergencies

Gilliam (2016) The zone of parental

Parental discretion


We will be updating these resources throughout the course, ensuring that resources are updated after each session. This will not be an exhaustive list of resources but we hope that it will be helpful.

WHO Resources

WHO 2022. Clinical Management of Covid-19

WHO. 2021. Assessing the development of palliative care worldwide: A set of actionable indicators

WHO 2021. Quality health services and palliative care: Practical approaches and resources to support policy, strategy and practice

WHO 2021. World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines for Children. 8th List.

WHO 2019. Framework for action on cancer, prevention and control in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. Based on resolution EM/RC64/R.2

WHO 2020. Guidelines on the management of chronic pain in children

WHO 2020 Quality health services: A planning guide

WHO 2020 Operational Framework for Primary Health care: Transforming Vision into Action

WHO 2019 Palliative care for non-communicable diseases: A global snapshot

WHO 2019 Summary report on the Expert meeting to develop a regional roadmap for palliative care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.

WHO 2018 WHO guidelines for the pharmacological and radiotherapeutic management of cancer pain in adults and adolescents

WHO 2018. Integrating palliative care and symptom relief into the response to humanitarian emergencies and crises: A WHO guide

WHO 2018. Integrating palliative care and symptom relief into primary health care: A WHO guide for planners, implementers and managers

WHO 2018 Integrating palliative care and symptom relief into paediatrics: A WHO guide for health care planners, implementers and managers

WHO 2018. Declaration of Astana on Primary Health care

WHO 2017. The selection and use of essential medicines. Report of the WHO expert committee 2017.

WHO 2017. Building Integrated Palliative Care Programs and Services

WHO 2017. World Health Assembly Resolution: Cancer prevention and control in the context of an integrated approach

WHO 2016. Planning and implementing palliative care services: A guide for programme managers

WHO 2014. World Health Assembly Resolution; Strengthening of palliative care as a component of comprehensive care throughout the life course

WHO 2021 Universal Health Coverage

WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer: An Overview

United Nations (2015). The Sustainable Development Goals


Al-Shahri MZ, Brown S, Ezzat A, Khatib O. 2004 Palliative care initiative for the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a proposal. Annals of Saudi Medicine 24(6):465–8.

Basbous M, Al-Jadiry, Belgaumi A, Sultan I, Al-Haddad A, Jeha S, Saab R. 2021. Childhood cancer care in the Middle East, North Africa, and West/Central Asia: A snapshot across five countries from the POEM network. Cancer Epidemiology 71: 101727

Brant JM, Al-Zadjali, Al-Sinawi F, Mushani T, Maloney-Newton S, Berger AM, Fink R. 2012. Palliative Care Nursing Development in the Middle East and Africa: Lessons from Oman. Journal of Cancer Education 36 (Suppl1):S69-S77.

Brown AEC, Howard SC, Baker JN, Riberio RC, Lam CG. 2014. Reported Availability and Gaps of Pediatric Palliative Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of Published Data. Journal of Palliative Medicine17(12): 1369-1383

Daher M. 2013. Palliative care in Lebanon: where are we now? Where are we going? Lebanese Medical Journal 61(4): 187-8.

Ebadinejad Z, Rassouli M, Fakhr-Movahedi A. 2020. Compliance of palliative care standards in children with cancer in select Middle Eastern countries: a comparative study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing26(7): 354-361

Fadhil I, Lyons G, Payne S. 2017. Barriers to, and opportunities for, palliative care development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The Lancet Oncology 18(3):e176–84.

Fadhil I, Soliman R, Jaffar S, Al Madhi S, Saab R, Belgaumi A, Elhaddad A. 2022. Estimated incidence, prevalence, mortality, and registration of childhood cancer (ages 0-14 years) in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean region: an analysis of GLOBOCAN 2020 data. The Lancet. Child & Adolescent Health: 6(7): 466-473.

Hajjar RR, Charalambous HA, Baider L, Silbernmann. 2015 International Palliative Care: Middle East Experience As a Model for Global Palliative Care. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 31: 281-294.

Krakauer EL, Al-Shammary SA, Duraisamy B, Rassouli M, Rizkallah RS, Fadhill SA (In Press) Palliative care models and innovations in 4 Eastern Mediterranean Region countries: a case-based study. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2022; 28:622-628.

Pourghazian N, Krakauer E, Salama S, Fadhil I, Osman H. 2022. The Eastern Mediterranean Regional Palliative Care Expert Network: Designing a roadmap for palliative care development in the region. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2022; 28:610-612.

Silbermann M, Arnaout M, Daher M, Nestoros S, Pitsillides B, Charalambous H, Gultekin M, Fahmi R, Mostafa KAH, Khleif AD, Manasrah N, Oberman A. 2012. Palliative cancer care in Middle Eastern countries: accomplishments and challenges. Annals of Oncology 23 (Supplement 3): iii15-iii28.

Murray SA, Osman H. 2012 Primary palliative care: the potential of primary care physicians as providers of palliative care in the community in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 18(2):178–83.

Osman H, Rihan A, Garralda E, Rhee JY, Pons JJ, de Lima L, Tfayli A, Centeno C. 2017 Atlas of Palliative Care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Houston: IAHPC Press.

Sailian SD, Salifu Y, Saad R, Preston N. 2021. Dignity of patients with palliative needs in the Middle East: an integrative review. BMC Palliative Care 20:112.

Sanchez-Cardenas MA, Garralda E, Van Steijn D, Pourghazian N, Slama S, Bouesseau MC, Centeno C. (In Press) The atlas of palliative care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2021: a participative process of stakeholders across the region. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2022:28.

Sanchez-Cardenas MA, Garralda E, Van Steijn D, Pourghazian N, Slama S, Bouesseau MC, Centeno C and Eastern Mediterranean Regional Expert Network on Palliative Care (In press). Region-specific macro indicators on palliative care development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: A Delphi study. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2022:28.

Silbermann M (Editor). 2014. Palliative Care to the Cancer Patient: The Middle East as a Model for Emerging Countries. Nova.

Silbermann M, Al-Hadad S, Ashraf S, Hessissen L, Madani A, Noun P, Khayat C, Al-Rimawi H, Kebudi R, Yaniv I. 2012 MECC Regional initiative in Pediatric Palliative Care: Middle Eastern Course on Pain Management. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology 34:S1-S11.

Silbermann M, Daher M, Fahmi-Abdalla R, Jalouid MA, Hassan AA. 2015 The Middle East Cancer Consortium promotes palliative care. The Lancet. 385:1620

Silbermann M, Fink RM, Min SJ, Mancuso MP, Brant J, Hajjar R, Al-Alfi N, Baider L, Turker I, ElShamy K, Ghrayeb I, Al-Jadiry M, Khader K, Kav S, Charalambous H, Uslu R, Kebudi R, Barsela G, Kuruku N, Mutafoglu K, Ozalp-Senel G, Oberman A, Kislev L, Khleif M, Keoppi N, Nestoros S, Abdalla RF, Rassouli M, Morag A, Sabar R, Nimri O, Al-Qadire M, Al-Khalaileh M, Tayyem M Doumit M, Punjwani R, Rasheed O, Fallatah F, Can G, Ahmed J, Strode D. 2015. Evaluating palliative care needs in Middle Eastern countries. Journal of Palliative Medicine 18(1):18-25.

WHO 2022. Expert meeting to develop a regional roadmap for palliative care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 28(8); 629-631

Zeinah GFA, Al-Kindi SG, Hassam AA. 2013. Middle East Experience in Palliative Care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 30(1): 94-99.

PPC in Iraq

Abdalrahman SZ and Majeed BN. 2022. Nurses’ attitude toward pediatric end of life care at Hiwa Cancer Hospital in Sulaimany-Iraq. Mosul Journal of Nursing. 10(1):68-75

Al Alwan NAS. 2022. Cancer Control and Oncology Care in Iraq. Journal of Contemporary Medical Sciences8(1): 82-85.

Al-Hadad SA, Al-Jadiry MF, Al-Darraji AF, Al-Saeed RM, Al-Badr SF, Ghali HH. 2011. Reality of pediatric cancer in Iraq. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology 33(Suppl 2):S154–156.

Fadhil SA and Ghali HH. 2021. The Current Situation of Palliative Care Services in Iraq. In Silbermann M (2021) Palliative Care for Chronic Cancer Patients in the Community. Global Approaches and Future Applications. Springer, Switzerland.

Ghali H. 2017 Cultural Challenges in Implementing Palliative Care Services in Iraq. Palliative Medicine and Hospice Care Open Journal SE(1): S19-S23

Hussain AMA and Lafta RK. 2021. Cancer Trends in Iraq 2000-2016. Oman Medical Journal 36(1): e219

Yadalla W, Al-Jadiry M, Faraj SA, Ghali HH, Shakow A, Kasmani MN, Smith Faqzi MC, Al-Hadad SA. 2021. Delay in diagnosis of cancer in Iraq: Implications for survival and health outcomes at Children’s Welfare Teaching Hospital in Baghdad. Journal of Global Health Reports. 5:e2021047.

International PPC Documents

Connor SR (Ed) 2020 Global Atlas of Palliative Care. 2nd Edition. London, UK.

Finkelstein EA, Bhadelia A, Goh C, Baird D, Singh R, Bhatnagar S, Connor SR. 2022. Cross Country Comparison of Expert Assessment of the Quality of Death and Dying 2021. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 63(4): e419-429

Haileamlak A. 2016. The Challenge of Childhood Cancer in Developing Countries. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences. 26(3):199-200.

Knaul FM, Farmer PE, Krakauer EL, De Lima, L, Bhadelia A, Kwete XJ, Arreola-Ornelas H, Gómez-Dantés O, Rodriguez NM, Alleyne GAO, Connor SR, Hunter DJ, Lohman L, Radbruch L,del Rocío Sáenz Madrigal M, Atun R, Foley KM, Frenk J, Jamison DT, Rajagopal MR, on behalf of the Lancet Commission on Palliative Care and Pain Relief Study Group. 2018 Alleviating the access abyss in palliative care and pain relief – an imperative of universal health coverage: the Lancet Commission report. The Lancet. 391: 1391-454.

Nouvet E, Sivaram M, Bezanson K, Krishnaraj G, Hunt M, de Laat S, Sanger S, Banfield L, Rodriguez PFE, Schwartz LS. 2018. Palliative care in humanitarian crises: a review of the literature, Journal of International Humanitarian Action3:5

ICPCN, WHPCA, IAHPC, Palliative care, COVID-19 and Universal Health Coverage.

WHPCA. Palliative care and Universal Health Coverage Fact Sheet

Bustamante LM, Okhuysen-Cawley R, Downing J, Connor SR, Muckaden MR, Phillips M, Icaza A, Garzon N, Nakashima Y, Morgan K, Mauser S and Grunauer M. (2022). The COVID-19 Pandemic: Early Ripple Effects in Pediatric Palliative Care. Children9:642

Lohman D, Cleary J, Connor S, De Lima L, Downing J, Marston J, Morris C, Pardy S, and Pettus K (2022) Advancing Global Palliative Care over Two Decades: Health System Integration, Access to Essential Medicines, and Pediatrics. Journal of Pain and Symptom Managemen 64(1): 58-69.

Benini F, Pappadatou D, Bernada M, Craig F, De Zen L, Downing J, Drake R, Freidrichsdorf S, Garros D, Giacomelli L, Lacerda A, Lazzarin P, Marceglia S, Marston J, Mukaden MA, Papa S, Parravicini E, Pellegatta F, Wolfe J. (2021) International standards for pediatric palliative care: from IMPaCCT to GO-PPaCS. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 63(5): e529-e543.

Neilsen S, Randall D, McNamara K, Downing J. (2021) Children’s palliative care education and training: developing an education standard framework and audit. BMC Med Educ 21:539.

Rosa WE, Downing J, Collier A, and Ferrell BR. (2021). New paths forward for palliative nursing.International Journal of Palliative Nursing27(8), 383-384.

McNeil MJ, Kaye EC, Vedaraju Y, Baker JN, Devidas M, Downing J, Graetz D, Ranadive R, Rosenberg AR, Wiener L and Weaver MS. (2021) Global Experiences of Pediatric Palliative Care Teams During the First 6 Months of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic.Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 62(3) e91-99.

Rosa WE,Downing J, Ferrell BR, Grant L, Matula ST, Pande, S, Sey-Sawo J, Sowe M, and Upvall MJ. (2021). Global palliative nursing partnerships in the face of COVID-19: Considerations and strategies. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 27(8) 410-416.

Rosa WE, de Campos AP, Abedini NC, Gray TF, Abu-Saad Huijer H, Bhadelia A, Boit JM, Byringiro S, Crisp N, Dahlin C, Davidson PM, Davis S, De Lima L, Farmer PE, Ferrell BR, Hategekimana V, Karanja V, Knaul FM, Kpoeh J, Lusaka J, Matula ST, McMahon C, Meghani SH, Moreland PJ, Ntizimira C, Radbruch L, Rajagopal MR. and Downing J. (2021) Optimizing the global nursing workforce to alleviate serious health-related suffering worldwide.Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Jul 29;S0885-3924(21)00470-X.

Radbruch L,Liliana de Lima, Knaul F, Wenk R, Zipporah V. Ali, Bhatnaghar S, Blanchard C, Bruera E, Buitrago R, Burla C, Callaway M, Munyoro EC, Centeno C, Cleary J,  Connor SR, Davaasuren O, Downing J, Foley K, Goh C, Gomez-Garcia W, Harding R, Khanh QT, Larkin P, Leng M, Luyirika E,  Marston JM, Moine S, Osman H, Pettus K,  Puchalski CM, Rajagopal MR, Spence D, Spruijt O, Venkateswaran C, Wee B, Woodruff R,  Yong J, Pastrana T. (2020) Redefining Palliative Care – a New Consensus-based Definition. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 60(4):754-764.

Connor S, De Lima L, Downing J, Ling J, Quilliam P, Radbruch L. (2020) The Berlin Declaration: A Collaborative Roadmap to Advance Global Hospice and Palliative Care. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 23(1):1-2

Pettus K, De Lima L, Maurer M, Husain A, Connor S, Torode J, Ling J, Downing J, Rajagopal MR, Radbruch L, Pastrana T, Luyirika EB, Goh C, Marstin K and Cleary J. (2019) Ensuring and Restoring Balance on access to Controlled Substances for Medical and Scientific Purposes: Joint Statement from Palliative Care Organizations. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, 32:2-3, 124-128.

Daniels A, Downing J. (2018) Increasing access to children’s palliative care education through e-learning: a review of the ICPCN experience. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 24(7): 351-358.

Downing J, Namisango E, Harding R (2018)Outcome measurement in paediatric palliative care: lessons from the past and future developments Annals of Palliative Medicine 7(Suppl 3):S151-S163

Downing J, Boucher S, Daniels A, Nkosi B. (2018) Paediatric Palliative Care in Resource-Poor Countries. Children 5:27.

Connor SR, Downing J, Marston J. (2017) Estimating the global need for palliative care for children: A cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 53(2):171-177.

Marston J, De Lima L, Powell RA, Palliative Care in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies Network. (2015) Palliative care in complex humanitarian crisis responses. Lancet. Nov 14;386(10007):1940.

Downing J, Knapp C, Mukaden MA, Fowler-Kerry S, Marston J on behalf of the ICPCN Scientific Committee. (2015) Priorities for global research into children’s palliative care: results of an International Delphi Study. BMC Palliative Care. 14:36

Downing J, Jassal SS, Matthews L, Britts H and Friedrichsdorf SJ. (2015) Pediatric Pain Management in Palliative Care. Pain Management. 5(1): 23-25. Doi:

Boucher S, Downing J, Shemilt R. (2014) The Role of Play in Children’s Palliative Care Children2014, 1(3), 302-317;

Savva N, Krasko O, Knapp C, Downing J, Fowler-Kerry S  and Marston J. (2014) How Can We Improve Pain Control in Children Over the World? Results of International Multiprofessional ICPCN SurveyPain Medicine. 15(7): 1238-1239

Downing J, Birtar D, Chambers L, Drake R, Gelb B and Kiman R (2012) Children’s palliative care: a global concern.International Journal of Palliative Nursing 18(3); 109-114.

Knapp C, Woodworth L, Wright M, Downing J, Drake R, Fowler-Kerry S, Hain R and Marston J. (2011) Pediatric Palliative Care Provision Around the World: A Systematic Review.Pediatric, Blood and Cancer. 56 (7):361-368.

Knapp C, Madden V, Marston J, Midson R, Murphy A and Shenkmen E (2009) Innovative pediatric palliative care programs in four countriesJournal of Palliative Care. 25(2): 132-136.

Roland, J., Lambert, M., Shaw, A., Williams, I, Dale-Harris L., Fontana G. (2022) The children’s palliative care provider of the future: A blueprint to spark scale and share innovation UK: Imperial College London.

PPC Books

Available Free

Amery J (Editor) (2009) Children’s Palliative Care in Africa. Oxford University Press, London

Amery J (Editor) A Really Practical Handbook of Children’s Palliative Care.

Available to Buy

Ferrell BR, Coyle N, Paice JA (2015)  Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.Books on PPC

Walshe C, Preston N, Johnson B. (2018) Palliative Care Nursing: Principles and Evidence for Practice. Third Edition

Hain R, Goldman A, Rapoport A and Meiring M (Eds). (2021) Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care for Children McGraw Hill Education, UK

ICPCN webinars

For more information and to register for upcoming webinars click here
Date Topic Recording of the Webinar
16th February 2023
  • Outcome measurement in children’s palliative care
  • Click here to watch
19th January 2023
  • Children’s palliative care in humanitarian settings
  • Click here to watch
17th November 2022
  • Empowering the team through education
  • Integrating research into care
  • Click here to watch
15th September 2022
  • Ethical issues in children’s palliative care
  • Click here to watch
18th August 2022
  • Supporting the adolescent and young adult
  • Collaborative working and use of national, regional and international networks
  • Click here to watch
21st July 2022
  • Perinatal and neonatal palliative care
  • Click here to watch
16th June 2022
  • Spiritual care
  • Anticipatory grief and bereavement support
  • Click here to watch
21st April 2022
  • End of life care
  • Supporting the family at the time of death
  • Click here to watch
17th March 2022
  • Psychological care and distress
  • Social and cultural support
  • Click here to watch
17th February 2022
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Nutritional support
  • Click here to watch
20th January 2022
  • Assessment, prevention and treatment of pain in children with serious illness
  • Click here to watch
16th December 2021
  • Respiratory care
  • Fatigue
  • Click here to watch
18th November 2021
  • Communication with children and their families
  • Click here to watch
21st October 2021
  • Children’s palliative care across a range of conditions, settings and resources
  • Holistic assessment
  • Click here to watch
16th September 2021
  • Launch of the book and the webinar series
  • Click here to watch