ICPCN Chief Executive to ride on a tandem from London to Brighton to raise funds

On Sunday 18th June Professor Julia Downing and her husband Michael will be cycling the 54-mile London to Brighton Bike Ride for ICPCN.

The International Children’s Palliative Care Network (ICPCN) is the only global organisation working to improve access to palliative care for the more than 21 million children worldwide who need it. ICPCN is recognised as the world leader in children’s palliative care (CPC) and has a globally renowned expert leadership, a wealth of educational resources and a network of 4,600 members in over 140 countries.

Through its network, ICPCN are uniquely placed to advise, educate and support at a national, regional and international level on best practice in CPC. As a central repository for information relating to CPC, and with a global perspective of what is happening in the field, ICPCN are in an ideal position to strategically advocate for the development and improvement of services, the creation of palliative care policies, that include children and their families, and the implementation of these policies, thus increasing access to CPC.

Professor Julia Downing, Chief Executive of ICPCN is an experienced palliative care nurse, educationalist, and researcher with a PhD that evaluated palliative care training in Uganda.

Professor Julia Downing, Chief Executive of ICPCN says: 

“Whilst on our honeymoon in June 2021, my husband Michael and I hired a tandem, and enjoyed it so much that we can now be seen regularly out and about on a ‘bicycle made for two’. On reading about the London to Brighton Bike Ride we were surprised to find an entry category for tandems, and so in a moment of madness we applied for a place and got one.

The need for children’s palliative care globally is huge. An estimated 21.2 million children need access to palliative care, with 8 million of those needing specialised care. Yet we know that the majority of those in need have limited or no access to such care, thus children and their families around the world are suffering needlessly.”

Whilst Julia is committed to children’s palliative care, she’s not a seasoned cyclist and this will be the furthest Julia has ridden and she is dreading the legendary Ditchling beacon at mile 46!

Your donation can make a real difference to children around the world who are suffering from life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. Please donate by visiting: https://sportsgiving.co.uk/sponsor/activity/the-london-to-brighton-bike-ride-2023/julia-and-michael