Children’s palliative care is not about dying. It’s about living and quality of life

According to the World Health Organization, there are over 21 million children who need palliative care, but only 5-10% of them have access to it.
The VlĨek Family Foundation produced a series of videos with world experts in the care of seriously ill children. This time with palliative care professor and nurse Julia Downing, who has been helping to develop care for seriously ill children worldwide for over 25 years. She is also the director of ICPCN – International Children’s Palliative Care Network
“Children’s palliative care is above all about life. About how to enable children to live as best as they can,” Julia says, reminding us that it’s not just about relieving pain, but also about the psychological, social, and spiritual support of the whole family. In the video, among other things, you will hear a powerful story from a Rwandan hospital, which shows how properly provided palliative care can change the lives of sick children for the better.
You can find the video on YouTube