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Tylovo náměstí 699/2
120 00 Prague
Czech Republic
+420 725 029 971
Website address
Brief description of organisation

The Vlček Family Foundation (VFF) was founded in March 2021 by Katarína Vlčková and Ondřej Vlček to support families affected by their child's severe illness. The primary goals of the foundation are the development of children's palliative care in the Czech Republic, the establishment of a network of services that reflect the needs of families caring for a child with a life-threatening or life-limiting illness, and the creation of a Children's Palliative Care Centre and a children's inpatient hospice.

The foundation is building a medical facility that will provide its patients with medical respite stays during their treatment as well as with follow-up health, psychological and social services. This centre is being built at the premises of the historical farmstead Cibulka in Prague. The target group will be not only the sick children, but also their parents, siblings and all those who are inseparable from their lives. Furthermore, the foundation plans to open a day care centre at Cibulka and offer field respite palliative care services. VFF would like to welcome their first clients in October 2026.

VFF also supports existing professional institutions and providers of children's palliative care, with whom it works together on systematic changes in the Czech health care system so that the Health Services Act will include medical respite palliative care, which will be part of the health insurance reimbursement not only in Cibulka Children’s hospice but also anywhere in the Czech Republic.

Type of service offered
Advocacy, Community palliative care services, Counselling/bereavement, Family support, Help/Information/advice, Research, Respite or hospice services, Training, Other