Nominated contact first name
Dr. Tim
Nominated contact surname
c/o Corpmed Medical Centre
3236 Cairo Rd, northend
Lusaka, Zambia
Brief description of organisation

Tiny Tim & Friends (TT&F) provides medical care and case management free-of-charge to the most vulnerable orphans and under-served children living with HIV in Zambia.

We identify children and their caregivers who are not currently accessing health services, we enroll them in our program, and we stabilize them medically and socially so that they can be integrated into the public sector system.

We recognize that high-quality medical care and a personalized Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) adherence plan can empower patients to proactively seek the medical and social assistance they need, and thus prolong their lives and reduce the transmission of HIV in Zambia.

Type of service offered
Advocacy, Clinical/medical services, Community palliative care services, Counselling/bereavement, Education, Family support, Help/Information/advice, Public awareness, Research, Respite or hospice services, Training