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Brief description of organisation

Rwanda Palliative Care and Hospice organization (RPCHO) is a Non-Governmental Organization registered in Rwanda by Rwanda Governance Board (RGB), with Certificate № 27/RGB/NGO/2015 and have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Health of Rwanda in April 2015.

It is a multidisciplinary team composed of hospital Doctors, Psycho clinicians, Socio workers Nurses and other Volunteers, who had the chance to be trained as pioneers in palliative care and who have decided to come together to promote palliative care in the workplace but also in the community having noticed in practice a lack of home based care for people with life limiting illness discharged from hospital and that require palliative care. A team of twelve Rwandan Volunteers with two international partners on mission in Rwanda, took the initiative to pool their knowledge and resources to found the Association that was to come in support of the Ministry of Health to integrate palliative care at all levels of the Rwanda health system.

RPCHO mission is to promote access to high-quality palliative care for all people in need living in Rwanda. Now with its multidisciplinary team (Doctors, Nurses, Psycho clinicians, Social Workers…) of home visit, RPCHO Mobile Unit is working in the City of Kigali but aim to extend its activities across the country

Type of service offered
Advocacy, Campaigning/lobbying, Clinical/medical services, Community palliative care services, Counselling/bereavement, Education, Family support, Public awareness, Research, Training