About us
To work towards ending health, education and development inequalities using a community development approach.
To be the leading organization championing community development approaches to tackling health, education and development inequalities.
To be a center of expertise that develops best practice, advances knowledge and develops tools for action.
From its inception Our Own Public Health Institute (OOPHI) has been committed to the pursuit of knowledge in service of the community. The OOPHI medical experience is centered in “cura personalis”-- care for the psychological, spiritual, social as well as physical well being of the person.
OOPHI’s concern for the spiritual and ethical dimensions of medical practice contributes to its distinctiveness and finds expression in an integrated, longitudinal ethical and cultural competency values.
Programmes, Partnerships and Projects
* Ageing and Life-Course
* Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion
* Disabilities and Rehabilitation
* Disease Control in Humanitarian Emergencies
* eHealth
* Environmental Health in Emergencies
* Public Health Workforce Alliance
* School Health Initiative
* Health Academy
* Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health
* Public Health and Environment