ICPCN Members Directory

Our members directory lists all those organisations who are members of ICPCN. If you think you are a member and cannot find your details, or if you need to update your details please contact Howard at communications@icpcn.org


The listing you are trying to access is currently inactive or no longer available.

Become an ICPCN member

ICPCN membership is open to any individual or organisation working in the field of children’s palliative care, regardless of where you are based or what your profession is, if you are committed to ICPCN’s vision and mission.

Membership is free, and when joining as an organisation you will be featured in ICPCN’s online international directory and map of services. This directory is an invaluable online resource to aid communication and networking globally.

Members receive regular newsletters and are invited to submit your events, news and resources to share with other members and online visitors.

Donate to help us continue improving the lives of children around the world.

Donate to help us continue to improve access to palliative care for the world’s children.

Your donation, however small, can make a real difference to children around the world who are suffering from life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. We offer many ways to donate including through PayPal, Global Giving and Direct Debit.

Donate to ICPCN

Use of data

We want to be honest about how we use your data to ensure that you know that we are working in accordance with the GDPR.

We do keep your data in a safe place, we do not sell your data or share your data with marketing companies or any other third parties. We contact you via email as part of your membership benefits telling you about conferences, training and research that you may be interested in. If you do not wish to receive these emails, please just let us know.  There is an unsubscribe button at the end of most of our communications.

We always ask permission before using your name on Twitter, Facebook or on our website.

Our Data Protection Officer is fully aware of the data protection obligations, as are the Staff. We continue to work in accordance with the ICO guidelines to ensure that we are using the best practices to protect and keep your data private.

We will continue to review our internal procedures, and as such this privacy notice may be updated in the future without prior notice. More information can be found here.