The curriculum features evidenced-based knowledge in pain and symptom management and state-of-the-art training in critical clinical skills required to address key domains in pediatric palliative care.
This customised edition is facilitated by a strong international faculty who are leaders in PPC. It offers many precious opportunities to meet invited experts in small classroom sessions with high teacher-student ratios.
Stratified at two levels of practice (End-User and ‘Train-the-Trainer’), both symposia are designed to give all types of pediatric healthcare professionals (incl. physicians, nurses, psychologists, etc) core takeaways.
Date: 24-25 March 2023
Open to healthcare professionals seeking to build a robust foundation in PPC for quality care of children with serious illness (cancer or non-cancer) and their families. Topics are comprehensive and transdisciplinary, covering issues across biomedical and psychosocial domains.
Date: 23-24 March 2023
Aimed at professionals already experienced in providing pediatric palliative care and who wish to advance their teaching skills further. Registrants should preferably have attended EPEC training previously (face-to-face or online) and are regularly conducting talks within their own practice.
Given that places are limited, all registrants would be subjected to shortlisting by the TtT faculty.
More information can be found here.